Madi Girl Power

Et projekt til styrkelse af unge kvinders karrieremuligheder

Read the description of the project in Nepali

Madi Girl Power er målrettet en gruppe unge kvinder i 11. og 12. klasse på Jana Jeewan Secondary School i Madi, Chitwan.

Hovedformålet med dette projekt er at selvstændiggøre unge kvinder i forhold til deres karrierevalg.

Projektet løber over et år, hvor de unge piger hver uge modtager forskellig undervisning. De sidste seks måneder tilknyttes de hver en personlig mentor, udvalgt blandt stærke lokale kvinder med forskellige baggrunde.

Pigerne undervises og trænes inden for forskellige områder:

1. Mundtlig præsentation, kritisk tænkning og analyse gennem fokusgruppediskussioner om forskellige sociale og samfundsrelaterede emner

2. Fremstilling af power point præsentationer

3. Udarbejdelse af CV og motiverede ansøgninger

4. Læsning, skrivning og mundtlig kommunikation på engelsk

5. Historiefortælling og artikelskrivning

6. Boglæsning og anmeldelse af bøger for de andre piger

7. Introduktion til brugen af computer og internet

8. Oprettelse af en e-mailkonto og kommunikation via e-mails

9. Brug af sociale medier

10. Sociale færdigheder og mentorskab for andre piger

Madi Girl Power_Styrkelse af kvinders færdigheder med fokus på uddannelse og mentorskab
Madi Girl Power_Jysk landsbyudvikling i Nepal

Madi Girl Power (English)

Madi Girl Power is a women empowerment project. It focuses on skills and capacity building programs with training and mentorship.

The project is targeted for 10 young female students of grade 11 and 12 of Jana Jeewan Secondary School in Madi, Chitwan.

The students will get training once a week for one year with a mentorship for the last six months from strong Nepalese females with various backgrounds.

The main aim of this project is to make young women capable and independent in terms of their career choice by giving them practical training with the right mentors.

The girls will get training in various fields of self development with professional skills such as:

1. Public speaking, critical thinking and analysis through focus group discussions on various social issues in the community and the country

2. Presentation skills with powerpoint slides (they will be taught to make slides)

3. CV, Cover Letter/Motivation Letter and resume writing

4. Reading, writing, speaking and listening to English language

5. Story and article writing

6. Book reading and reviewing

7. Basics of computer operation along with internet use

8. Creating email account and writing emails

9. Proper use of social media

10. Social skills and mentorship for other girls

About the Project Developer and Manager

Ronisha Shrestha is currently residing in Denmark and has recently obtained a MA degree in Culture, Communication and Globalization from Aalborg University, Denmark. She did her specialization in ‘Organization and Leadership’ which she wishes to implement in the field of women leadership. She is also a certified Social Worker who is passionate about women empowerment.

With the experience of various NGOs in Nepal and Denmark, Ronisha Shrestha has an international and diverse field of knowledge. Her belief in equality of opportunities for both men and women with respect for both genders led her to develop this project.

Personally Ronisha Shrestha enjoys reading, traveling, photography and cooking different kinds of food.

Stakeholders and Donors
This project is operated with Jysk landsbyudvikling i Nepal and its partner organization MIISDP (Madi Integrated Inclusive Sustainable Development Projects) with the collaboration from Jana Jeewan Secondary School in Madi.

The main sponsor of the project is The PONA Foundation and a private donation.

Future prospects
The Madi Girl Power Project will be introduced to ten young women in Ward 8 in Madi as a beginning and the project will further expand upon success.

The project can be expanded to other girls in Madi, and not only in Ward 8, but also to Ward no. 7 and 9.

Ronisha Shrestha_Madi Girl Power